You can do it…
In the last days, as well as in the last weeks, we always hear these trustworthy words… Of course I can do it, even with clenched teeth and tears in my eyes 🙂
Read more about what Dagmar Sváteková wrote.
Thank you with all my heart.
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Filip, thank you very much.
Thank you for letting Filip absolve the rehabilitation course once again. Thank you for your patience!
Thank you for making Filip stronger every day and for making him move better. For example, just a small detail, he pushed out toothpaste by himself, puts the paste on the brush and closed the paste tube. We can see every improvement on his body. Thank you for bringing us closer to making walking possible.
I already know now that he moves in a better way. Thank you also for your care and support. Even if this centre is located very far away from us, we will gladly come again. It has nice surroundings. At the same time, I am convinced that we will learn a new language too.
Martin, we wish you to make progress on your way just as you are doing now. None of this is for nothing, everything is ambition and practice.
No pain, no gain
When I think about it, I did not have strong will. I was just a stubborn person. But what I wanted to reached and now really reached is enough for me. I realised that this is exactly the right time to make my will stronger. Read more about what Dagmar Sváteková wrote. Thank you.
Dear Sir or Madam,
allow me to say a few words. Three weeks ago, I got the opportunity to spend some time in the RehaCentre with my son Kryštof.
Kryštofek was rather careful during the first contact, but it was a natural process with the physiotherapist Bára. Her approach was very professional, friendly and very empathetic… So much that it was better when this club was not disturbed by my presence. Thank you Baruško for your patience and energy. They picked up Kryštufko, now and then also with tears in the eyes because of his big performance. It made me cry when I saw Kryštof on four legs (firstly, I did not let anything show, but then it became overwhelming). I never believed that he would make it (with me just as a little company) and with such a „lightness“. They gave me courage to go on. I see now that one does not need many people, but it depends on the experience and approach. I admire these people, in their age, they are very competent persons on the right spot (and I am very critical). Even if Kryštofek is in such an age that he cannot realise what we do for him now, he will surely see the photos, videos and appreciate the effort. Thank you!
The willingness of the whole team is obvious, a family atmosphere in friendly surroundings with details of maximal comfort and needs not only of the patients, but also of their family is a very pleasant bonus of the complex functioning therapy system.
The time and energy which they dedicate to every patient is admirable.
It was an honour to be there.
We are very satisfied, the team is very kind and can motivate the children as well as parents. As for the training, we made again one step further. Barbora showed and explained to us many exercises. Thank you and we will gladly come back.
We are very happy to have an experience with the KINESIS Centre.
Nico made every time enormous progress in a true sense. He continues also after the training, even better, he tries to use everything he learned at home. We are very satisfied and want to spend as much time in Kinesis Centre as possible in regards to time and finances. Every week is a victory for our Nico and for the quality of his life.
It is a very intensive training, difficult and also mentally exhausting, but the therapists, in our case our Miro, can motivate very well, are funny and Miro makes Nico always happily come again. We will come again and again!
Thanks to all of your, you are great!
I was with Raphael in therapy for 2 weeks. It was very intensive, but great for Raphael. Barbora was great, kind and friendly, just like the whole team. We will come back. Thank you.
Thomas /14 years old/ cerebral paresis, sits in a wheelchair since the age of 3.
During the 3-week-long training, Thomas’s muscles got more relaxed. He was tired every day, but the training was still fun for him. He had great trust to his therapist Daniel and he enjoyed the time with him.
I would like to thank you very much for your help while moving Thomas into and from the wheelchair.
Thomas wants to repeat the therapy.
Thank you very much